Monday, May 20, 2013

Yesterday - driving all around with Ali.

I was so tired yesterday that I didn't get to post. Sorry about that.

I'll tell the day in pictures.

Anny at the Herodian.
Amy at the Herodian - Herod's grand palace in the Judean Wilderness.

Anny coming out of Lazarus' Tomb - the lighting made the photo weird.
 Amber, Ali (driver) and Amy surveying the Judean Wilderness.

 At the St. George Monastery overlook - riding the donkey for a few shekels.

 The view of Jericho from the Mt. of Temptations Monastery
 Traditional site in the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized.
 The Caves at Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. It turns out Ali's grandfather was the young man who found the first batch! He got a total of $3 out of it.
Ali in front of the Dead Sea.

Playing in the Dead Sea.
A wonderful way to end the day.


  1. When I was there, Lazarus' tomb was closed. Luckily the gardener/keeper was very kind and gave us a private tour. THen, he had each one of us come out, one by one, after he loudly proclaimed in his darling accent "Lazarus! COME FORTH!" ...great memories.
