Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mahane Yehuda and so much more.

Sakit (emphasis on the -eet at the end). That's the new word obtained today in the Mahane Jehudah market. Betcha can't guess what it means. OK, probably you can. Just what it sounds like - a sack.  I feel like quite the native - I wandered around the market this evening, in search of some good fruit and bread for dinner, asking prices, learning new words, gawking at the spread of fruits, vegetables, nuts, breads, olives, spices, and everything else you can imagine, letting the ambience of the sellers hollering out prices sink in, and winding my way through the crowds. It was great. And I learned that the word for small sack is "sakit." I purchased three perfectly ripe avocados (if only they sold them that way in the States!), three peaches (still not as good as Abed's!) and some bread to eat with the avocados. Then I stopped in a store and purchased my new favorite yogurt - a strawberry flavored, rather runny variety that is absolutely heaven to me! Excellent dinner.

Just after this I ran into a guy I had talked with in the Fauzi Azar in Nazareth. He remembered me too, and I told him about the research I was doing. He offered to help and gave me his number so I could call him. The guy next to him at the bar said something about getting cute girls' numbers, and he replied that he saw me first, so he gets to have me. I giggled like a little school girl. It's been far too long since attractive, normal men argued over me. Well, that's a bold-faced lie. They never have. But he's a good-looking guy, for sure! Douwe from Holland (anyone know how to pronounce that name?).

That's about it for the day. I have switched rooms and am now in the basement, with a room that is cheaper, made for 6, but only houses David and me at the moment (open-eyed spooked face), and is directly next to the bus stop. David's a talker as well, so I haven't made a ton of progress on my paper. He's from Texas and loves to tell jokes about congressmen (What's the difference between a congressman and a federal criminal? The spelling.) and talk about his law suit against the City of Austin's judges and police force for malpractice (or something like that). I can't figure out what he's doing here, but he's been here for a while, just opened a bank account, and seems to be making a life here. He says he's waiting for a $200 apartment in Jerusalem. Good luck.

With all that, it could be a long night. But I'm nice and full, pleased with my exploits for the night, and looking forward to my earplugs.

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